Mark (M6YDZ)
England, Foundation Licence

Standard Account M6YDZ

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Wantage

Verfied Account M6YDZ


Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Wantage
Fascinated by radio since childhood, I eventually became a licensed amateur in 2017.

Current equipment:
HF home: Yaesu FT-450D with 40m long offset dipole antenna.
HF portable: Xiegu X6100 with Sotabeams Band Hopper IV antenna.
UHF/VHF: Yaesu FTM-400XDR.
HT (analogue): Yaesu VX-6E dual band.
HT (digital): Anytone AT-878UV.
Handheld dual band Arrow antenna for ISS/satellite work.

I have a SDRplay RSP2pro which I use as a panadapter with the FT-450D. I enjoy playing with the data modes and use WSPRnet, WSJT-X, Fldigi and EchoLink. I use my FTM-400 both at home and in the car with a dual band magmount, mostly on local repeaters. For portable HF I use the Xiegu in the car with the Band Hopper 4-band antenna and a 7m mast. For portable power I use a 22Ah LiFePO4 battery. I occasionally use the amateur radio channels on Zello. I am also a member of the UK emergency communications service RAYNET.
M6YDZ's logbook
Last 0 QSOs logged by M6YDZ
Logged by other radio operators
18:38 UTC
M0SSV 14075.406khz FT8 VIEW
20:32 UTC
2E0JML 7076.006khz FT8 VIEW
18:39 UTC
G5STU 7167khz SSB VIEW 1 MP3s
15:57 UTC
M0JSX 7180.98khz SSB VIEW
20:16 UTC
M0JSX 7170khz SSB VIEW