Andy Thorn (M0KIW)
England, Full Licence

Premium Subscriber M0KIW

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Hardingstone, Northampton

Premium Subscriber M0KIW

Andy Thorn

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Hardingstone, Northampton
My Name is Andrew (although I prefer Andy) and I live in Hardingstone which is just outside the town of Northampton, England.

My interest in radio began in 1980 when I bought my first CB radio. This then developed into DXing on 11m and led to me passing the amateur radio exam in 1984.

However, due to life getting in the way, I didn't apply for my callsign at the time and gave up all radio communication in 1988.

When my partner Karen died in March 2023, I needed a hobby and decided to revisit CB radio/DXing.

I have met such a fantastic group of guys since returning to CB/11m and who encouraged me to apply for my callsign after 39 years laugh

Since buying my Yaesu FT-891 (thanks Chris M7CSZ) I spend much of my time on 10m, which has become my band of choice, although you will often find me on 15m or 20m if conditions are poor on the 10m band.

So that is a little about me.

I look forward to meeting you on the bands and having a nice QSO. Until then 73s and 51s

M0KIW's logbook
Last 0 QSOs logged by M0KIW
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21:25 UTC
G5STU 7148khz SSB VIEW
23:00 UTC
G5STU 7178khz SSB VIEW
14:14 UTC
M1AOB 7196khz SSB VIEW
12:42 UTC
M1AOB 7090khz SSB VIEW
21:05 UTC
G8CPM 7144khz SSB VIEW